Combatting Domestic Violence Charges Effectively
Allegations of domestic violence can cause serious legal difficulties for Houston residents. Under Texas law, domestic violence charges fall into three categories:
- Domestic assault generally involves a one-time incident of threats, bodily injury or unwanted physical contact that the victim finds provocative or offensive.
- Aggravated domestic assault is similar to domestic assault but typically involves more serious physical injury or the use of a deadly weapon during the assault.
- Continuous violence against the family charges can arise from two or more domestic assault charges that occur in a given 12-month period. It is important to note that no conviction is required before these charges can be made against a defendant.
Domestic violence is different from other types of assault because of the familial or dating relationship between the perpetrator and the victim. Because emotions can run high in the family setting, domestic violence cases can be among the most difficult to resolve.
Steep Penalties upon Conviction
A first conviction for domestic assault is usually treated as a misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine of up to $4,000, up to 12 months in jail, or both. Aggravated domestic assault and continuous violence against the family charges can result in felony convictions and a maximum of 99 years in prison, a fine of up to $10,000, or both. Seeking qualified legal counsel to defend against these charges can reduce the risk of these harsh penalties and can ensure the best representation for defendants in domestic violence cases.
Child Molestation and Indecency Charges
Child molestation is one of the most damaging accusations that can be made against a defendant. Conviction for these offenses usually results in the defendant being added to the national sex offender registry and being barred from certain areas and certain jobs. For those falsely accused of these crimes, the consequences can be devastating. Retaining the services of a qualified and experienced criminal defense lawyer is the best recourse for defendants in child molestation or indecency with a child in the state of Texas. By presenting a vigorous defense against these charges, defendants can protect their reputations and preserve their legal rights throughout the process of clearing their good names.
The Law Office of Johnny P. Papantonakis offers legal services for those accused of domestic assault or child molestation. We provide an aggressive defense that is designed to bring the truth to light and to refute these charges, allowing our clients to resume their normal lives without the stigma of being branded a sex offender or an abuser. By working with us, you can achieve greater peace of mind throughout the legal process. Mr. Papantonakis speaks fluent Spanish and Greek as well as English, allowing him to communicate clearly with you and your witnesses. Call us today at 713-630-0900 to discuss your case and begin the defense process. We are ready to go to work for you.